Why have educational standards?
Setting educational standards provide goals and measurable outcomes for students at all grade levels.
Many state standards are based upon national educational standards that were determined in the 1980-1990s
by panels of experts after years of deliberation. The states then adapted those national standards to create
sets that match their states' learning and economic needs.
With the current focus on "No Child Left Behind," every state is paying close attention to educational
standards, with most including satisfactory completion of standards-based tests as a requirement for high school graduation.
Engineering resources with standards
If you prefer searching for curriculum that meets specific educational standards, take a look at the TeachEngineering collection.
As of October 2008, all the K-12 engineering lessons and activities in the TeachEngineering digital library are aligned to and
searchable by the current K-12 math and science educational standards of all 50 states and many national standards.
This breakthrough capability was made possible through National Science Foundation / National Science Digital Library (NSDL) grants
that support work at Oregon State University's College of Business, JES & Co.'s Achievement Standards Network, and
Syracuse University's Center for Natural Language Processing.
Teachers' Domain provides a subset of materials related to engineering standards.